1. Unraveling wet hair
They look more resistant and stronger, but it’s just the opposite! Wet hair is sensitive and delicate
Make sure your hair is dried to 80%, minimum, before brushing, to avoid breakage.
Do not prepare hair
2. Fancy a little brushing but you’re afraid your hair will get damaged? Do not panic to protect them, use a Thermoprotective Serum, protecting the hair fiber from the nasty burning hair dryer, and is well worth the investment.
3. Zapper the diffuser
The broadcaster, what is it? The tip of the hair dryer, which controls and distributes heat. The latter prevents warm air from being concentrated on just one part of the hair for too long. Essential to avoid damaging your hair.
4. Using the wrong brush
Choosing an unsuitable brush pattern can result in the appearance of forks, a damaged scalp or static electricity problems. Once the hair is dry, go for a quality brush. The Professional Brushes have been specially designed to facilitate hair styling.
5. Forget to set the temperature of the dryer.
Think about adjusting the temperature of the hair dryer according to the texture of your hair. For example, fine hair tends to overheat and burn more quickly, so dry them at a lower temperature.